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  • Search for Disciplinary History & Dismissal Reports on individuals, including information regarding CCMA/Bargaining Council cases
  • Fingerprint Clearance Checks - Have your current & future staff criminally cleared (recommended to be done annually for positions of trust)
  • Advertise your Vacancies
  • Search for CV's
  • Search for Verified Applicants

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  • Upload your CV
  • Have us verify your CV along with any of its content (eg. qualifications) to increase the star rating of your CV
  • Search for Vacancies
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Oxigin HR System

  • HR Check is a report on an individuals previous & current employment record, which is captured through the Human Resources Department.
  • It will also provide you with a list of the various verifications & checks, that are avaliable for you as an Individual to do on yourself, and for companies to do on potential employees.

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